Resume & CV

Short Form Resume, updated 5/27/2013


Full list of coursework

GIS and Technical Courses

2020 ESRI: Python for Everyone
2012 Johns Hopkins: Computing and Data Analysis in R
2009 ESRI: Creating and Editing Labels and Annotation
2008 ESRI: Learning ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
ESRI: Working with Rasters in ArcGIS Desktop
ESRI: Introduction to ArcGIS 9 Geostatistical Analyst
ESRI: Learning ArcGIS 3D Analyst
ESRI: Working with Map Topology in ArcGIS
2007 ESRI: Geoprocessing with ArcGIS Desktop
ESRI: Creating, Editing, and Managing Geodatabases for ArcGIS Desktop
ESRI: Learning ArcGIS Desktop

Cornell Graduate Courses: Spring 2008

BioEE 678: Advanced Principles of Biogeochemistry
NTRES 670: Spatial Statistics with Splus
CSS 620: Spatial Modeling and Analysis with GIS

Woods Hole SES Courses: 2003

Terrestrial Ecosystems Lecture and Lab
Aquatic Ecosystems Lecture and Lab
Mathematical Modeling in Ecosystems
Science Writers Seminar
Independent Research Project

Cornell Unvergraduate Courses: 2000-2004

NTRES 316: Biological Statistics II
MATH 293-4: Engineering Math III & IV
MATH 191-2: Calculus for Engineers I & II
NTRES 496: Study in Ecology of Landscapes
BIOEE 478: Ecosystem Biology
NTRES 418-9: Wetland Ecology & Mgmt Lecture & Lab
CSS 398: Environmental Microbiology
ABEN 371: Hydrology and the Environment
CSS 365: Environmental Chemistry
SCAS 362: Soil Morphology
EAS 350: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems
EAS 331: Climate Dynamics
EAS 321: Intro to Biogeochemistry
EAS 302: Evolution of the Earth System
BIOEE 261: Ecology and the Environment
SCAS 260: Soil Science
BIOES 154: Introduction to Oceanography
CHEM 257: Intro to Organic and Biochemistry
ENGRD 202: Mechanics of Solids
CHEM 216: Advanced General Chem and Inorganic Qual
CHEM 215: Advanced General and Inorganic Chemistry
AEM 250: Environmental and Resource Economics
DEA 150: Intro to Human-Environment Relations
EAS 105: Writing on Rocks: Geology Writing Seminar
PHIL 100: Science & Pseudo-Science
MUSIC 338: Symphonic Band
RSOC 100: Intro to American Indian Studies
ASTRO 104: Our Solar System